How Much Do You Tip on a $35 Pedicure?

“How Much Do You Tip on a $35 Pedicure?” Discover the etiquette and guidelines for tipping on pedicure services. Learn what’s considered standard and how to calculate the right amount for your next salon visit.


A tip is an essential part of showing your appreciation for the service you receive during a pedicure. Considering a $35 pedicure, how much money should you spend on it? Getting your gratitude across without going overboard involves knowing how much to tip. Here are answers to all these questions and more as we discuss tips for a $35 pedicure.

How Much Do You Tip on a $35 Pedicure?

This is your chance to thank the technician for a job well done. You paid $35 for your pedicure, so thank him for his work. What is the appropriate tip amount? The standard tip is usually between 15-20%. Therefore, tipping $5.25 to $7 would be appropriate in this situation. When deciding the amount to tip, keep in mind that it is a personal choice, and you should consider both the quality of service and your budget. The purpose of tipping is to express gratitude, and it is always appreciated.

How to Calculate Tipping on a $35 Pedicure?

Tipping is a customary way to show appreciation for a service provider’s hard work. To reward quality service and ensure that the service industry can make a living wage, tip generously. Tipping etiquette may vary, but it’s important to tip generously when you receive outstanding service.

Tipping Percentages

The common method of tipping is to calculate a percentage of the total bill. If you want to charge $35 for a pedicure, you can follow these guidelines:

  • Standard Tip: You may want to tip 15-20% of the total cost if you receive satisfactory service. A cost of $5.25 to $7 would be involved.
  • Good Service Tip: It is recommended to tip 20-25% of the bill, or between $7 and $8.75 if you are pleased with the service.
  • Exceptional Service Tip: The tip varies depending on the quality of service received, but you may opt to tip 25 percent or more, which equates to $8.75 or more for exceptional service.

you can also calculate the hair tip from Saloon Tip Calculator

Special Considerations

There are different types of pedicures, and you must keep this in mind. You might want to take into account the following factors when deciding how much to tip:

1. Duration of the Service

  • You may want to consider a more generous tip if your $35 pedicure takes an extended amount of time or offers additional services.

2. Use of Premium Products

  • Tipping should be increased if you use premium or high-quality products during your service.

3. Regular Visits

  • You can strengthen your relationship with your service provider by showing your appreciation with a consistent tip.

4. Discounts or Promotions

  • Tip based on the standard price as opposed to the discounted price if you received your pedicure at a discount rate or took advantage of a promotion.

Dos and Don’ts of Tipping


  • Tip 15-20%: As mentioned earlier, it’s customary to tip in this range. This shows your appreciation for the service.
  • Consider Quality: If the service is exceptional, don’t hesitate to tip on the higher end of the spectrum.
  • Cash is King: Whenever possible, tip in cash. This ensures the pedicurist receives their tip directly.
  • Express Gratitude: A simple “thank you” along with your tip can go a long way in brightening someone’s day.


  • Underestimate the Service: It is best to avoid tipping too low to avoid coming across as disrespectful. Make sure you remember how much effort went into your pedicure.
  • Tip with Loose Change: There can be inconveniences associated with tipping loose change, and it may seem disrespectful.
  • Forget About Hygiene: When handling cash for tipping, maintain cleanliness and hygiene.


How much should I tip if I didn’t like the pedicure service?

You should still leave a small tip, usually 10%, even if you are dissatisfied with the service. Without being overly harsh, this shows your disappointment.

Is it acceptable to tip with a credit card?

If you want to tip with a credit card, you can do that. You should ensure that the establishment allows it, and the tip should be paid to the service provider.

Can I tip more for extra services like nail art or massage?

That’s for sure! You should tip more if your pedicurist provides additional services during your appointment.

Should I tip if I’m a regular customer?

It is appropriate for regular customers to tip the service provider to recognize the effort and commitment they have made over the years.

Is it ever appropriate not to tip?

For pedicure services, tips are generally expected. You can, however, choose not to tip if your experience has been exceptional, but it is advisable to inform the establishment of your concerns.

What if I can’t afford the recommended tip?

Tipping a smaller amount is fine if you’re on a tight budget, but make sure you express your gratitude.


Tipping for a $35 pedicure is a good way to show your appreciation. In determining how much to tip, take into account factors including the quality of the service, the duration of the service, the premium products, and your budget. The service industry benefits from generous tips, so it is encouraged to give generously when exceptional service is provided. 

Remember, tipping is an acknowledgment of the service provider’s efforts and commitment. Tipping is all about recognizing the hard work that goes into your pedicure, whether it is cash or a credit card. If you receive a $35 pedicure, don’t forget to tip according to your satisfaction and express your gratitude to make someone’s day.

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