How to Tip at a Salon?

You will learn about the etiquette, considerations, and benefits of gratuity for salon professionals in this comprehensive guide on “How to Tip at a Salon.”. This guide will discuss the appropriate tip amounts, cash versus credit card tips, and alternative methods of showing gratitude.

The practice of tipping is more than just a customary one; it is a way to express gratitude for the services you receive at the salon and create a positive salon experience.


The purpose of visiting a salon is not only to enhance your appearance but also to relax and take care of yourself. You should tip at a salon as a way of expressing your appreciation for the services you have received and the hard work of the salon staff. 

The purpose of this article is to provide you with an insight into the art of tipping within a salon, shedding light on the importance, etiquette, and considerations that go into the practice.

How to Tip at a Salon?

Tipping is a common practice at salons as a way of showing appreciation for excellent service. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Standard Tip Amount: Tipping typically ranges between 15 and 20 percent of the total service cost. Tipping more may be appropriate if you have received exceptional service.
  • Consider the Service: There can also be a variation in the amount you tip based on the type of service you received. It may be appropriate to tip more for more elaborate or time-consuming services, for instance, a full hair color or keratin treatment, than for a simple haircut, for example.
  • Cash vs. Card Tips: Despite the convenience of tipping with a credit card, some people prefer to tip in cash since cash is more readily available to the service provider.
  • Multiple Service Providers: There may be instances where you should tip each person separately based on the services they provided (e.g., you have your hair cut by one person and your hair colored by another).
  • If Unhappy with Service: It is customary to tip even if you are unsatisfied with the service, although you might want to adjust the amount downwards if you are not satisfied with the service. However, you may wish to provide constructive feedback to assist them in improving.
  • Salon Policies: Some salons include tips in their pricing or have specific policies regarding tipping. If you are uncertain about the tipping policy, it is always a good idea to ask the receptionist.
  • Building Relationships: A good tip can contribute to a positive relationship between you and your stylist or beautician, which can be beneficial for future appointments.

You should remember that tipping is ultimately a matter of personal preference and should reflect your level of satisfaction with the service you receive.

How Much to Tip?

Depending on the services provided by the salon, the amount to tip may vary. Generally speaking, the following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Stylists

A 15% to 20% tip is customary for haircuts, coloring, and styling.

  1. Nail Technicians

Generally, nail services, such as manicures and pedicures, require a tip of 15% to 20%.

  1. Massage Therapists

A 20% to 25% tip will be appreciated if you have received a relaxing massage.

  1. Aestheticians

Generally, 15% to 20% is expected as a tip for skincare treatments and facials.

You can also use our Salon Tip Calculator to Calculate tip

Alternative Ways to Show Appreciation

It is appreciated to leave a monetary tip; however, there are alternative ways to show your gratitude, such as providing positive reviews online, referring friends to the salon, or bringing small tokens of appreciation.

The Benefits of Generosity

A generous attitude not only makes the salon staff feel valued but also contributes to the creation of a positive working environment. Tipping well encourages exceptional service and contributes to creating a pleasant experience for both you and the other party.

The Impact of Gratitude

Tipping is a good way to express gratitude to the salon professionals as well as enhance your overall well-being. A self-care day is a time when you acknowledge the positive effects that self-care has had on your life.


Is tipping mandatory at salons?

There is a custom of tipping, but it is not mandatory. You can use it as a means of expressing your gratitude for excellent service.

How should I tip if I receive multiple services?

You should calculate the tip for each service and then add the tips together to determine the total tip.

Can I tip salon professionals directly or should I give it to the salon management?

A tip should be given directly to the professional to ensure that the gratuity is received.

What if I can’t afford to tip a significant amount?

Leaving a tip is an expression of gratitude, and any amount is appreciated. Give as much as you can comfortably afford as a tip.

How can I leave an online review for the salon?

If you’d like to leave a review for a salon, most have an online platform for doing so, or you can use popular review sites such as Yelp and Google.


You should always tip your salon professionals for their hard work and dedication to helping you look and feel your best. Tipping at a salon is not only a customary practice; it is also a way to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.

You can ensure that the tip you leave reflects your satisfaction and appreciation for the services provided by following the guidelines provided in this article. 

By practicing gratitude through tipping, you contribute to a positive atmosphere and enhance your general well-being, regardless of whether you receive a haircut, manicure, massage, or facial. 

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