What is the Normal Tip for a Hair Salon?

Discover the answer to the question, “What is the Normal Tip for a Hair Salon?” Get insights into proper tipping etiquette for your next salon visit and ensure you show your appreciation to your hairdresser. Find out how to tip generously and appreciate great salon service.


Hair salons make you feel and look great when you leave with a fresh haircut or a stunning new hairstyle. You probably experienced this because your hairdresser worked hard and had the skills to make it happen. 

Generally, a tip for a hair salon is around 10%, but what is the normal tip for this service? We will examine this crucial aspect of salon etiquette in this comprehensive guide, ensuring you are equipped with the knowledge to leave a gratuity confidently.

What is the Normal Tip for a Hair Salon?

Hair salon tips vary depending on several factors, such as quality of service, location, and personal preferences. “What is the normal tip for a hair salon?” is the question on everyone’s mind. Here’s a general guideline:

  • Quality of Service Matters:
  • Tipping between 15% and 20% of the total bill can be customary if you are pleased with the outcome and the hairdresser went above and beyond to make you look fabulous.
  • Consider the location:
  • There can be differences in tipping norms based on where you live. The tip at the higher end of the scale is appreciated in metropolitan areas, where the cost of living is much higher.
  • Personal Preference: 
  • Tipping is a matter of personal preference. You may tip more if you are extremely satisfied with the service you received at the salon. The opposite is also possible: if you’re not completely satisfied, you can leave a smaller tip or a tip at the lower end of the scale.
  • Senior Stylists vs. Junior Stylists:
  • Senior stylists and junior stylists are sometimes charged differently in some salons. Tip a junior stylist high to encourage their professional growth if you have used his or her services.

How to Calculate the Tip?

There may seem to be a lot of steps involved in calculating the tip, but it’s a straightforward process. The following steps will help you:

  • Calculate the total cost of your service first.
  • Take the factors discussed earlier into account when deciding what percentage to tip.
  • To find the tip percentage, multiply the total cost by the tip percentage. If you tip 15% on $100 and your service costs $100, your tip would be $15.

You can also calculate the saloon tips from the Saloon tip calculator

The Benefits of Generosity

The tipping culture of generosity encourages employees to provide exceptional service by rewarding them generously. You will be able to have a more satisfying hair care experience if you leave a generous tip for your hairstylist.

Additional Factors to Keep in Mind

  • Time and effort:
  • A stylist who spends a lot of time on your look deserves a bigger tip.
  • Personal Relationships: If you’ve been visiting the same stylist for years and have a great rapport, a more generous tip can be a wonderful gesture.
  • Salon Policies: Some salons have a no-tipping policy, or tips are included in the service cost. Always check with the salon beforehand.

The Benefits of Being a Good Tipper

You can benefit from tipping generously at your hair salon in several different ways. To begin with, it promotes excellent service and builds an excellent relationship between you and your stylist. The benefits of good tipping often include last-minute appointments and personalized advice. All parties involved benefit from this arrangement.


Is it mandatory to tip at a hair salon?

A courteous tip at a hair salon is not mandatory, but showing appreciation for the service is considered polite.

Should I tip the owner of the salon?

Tip the salon owner since they set the prices and are the business owners. Nevertheless, if you are satisfied with the owner’s service and appreciate tipping, you may leave a tip.

Can I tip with a credit card?

Tips can be paid in cash or with a credit card at most salons. To ensure that your tip can be processed by a card, contact the salon before making your appointment.

How can I tip if I’m not carrying cash?

You can use the salon’s digital tipping option if you do not have cash on hand. Tipping has become more convenient, with many providers now offering this service.

Is it acceptable to tip with a gift instead of money?

Tipping with a small gift can be appreciated, but it’s best to provide a monetary tip the stylist can use however he or she chooses.

What should I do if I’m not satisfied with my salon experience?

Communicating your concerns to the salon staff is essential if you’re dissatisfied with the service. While you can tip less to express dissatisfaction, it is more constructive to speak directly with the server about the problem.


You should tip at a hair salon to demonstrate your satisfaction with their service, but you should also do it to strengthen your relationship with them. The answer to the question “What is a typical tip for a hair salon?” will vary depending on your personal preference. You can leave a gratuity that reflects your appreciation based on factors such as quality, location, and preferences. 

Taking care of your stylist with a good tip not only encourages excellent service but also opens the door to additional benefits. In the event that you are dissatisfied with your experience at the salon, remember that open communication is key, whether you tip or speak with the staff about your concerns.

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